Most people on the planet want more money.
It’s a universal want. But, focus and attention on the money you want…won’t bring it to you. It won’t be attracted to you just because you have some want or even some need. However, money is attracted to the best solution to a problem. Are you working on that solution every day? Is your solution getting better? Is your solution becoming more valuable? Good…that’s step 1. Next…talk to more people about your solution. Are you meeting new people every day? Are more people learning your name? Are you becoming known for your solution? Even though all this social media is causing people to lose the ability to talk… You don’t have to play the game of the masses. You don't have to be isolated and pretend to be social. Instead…work diligently to have more conversations with people you can help. So in summary… Step 1: Become more valuable Step 2: Have more conversations Follow this super complex formula and money will start folding itself into paper airplanes and flying in your direction. And…it’s much more effective than focusing on what you don’t have today. More money formula expanded upon here: Upside Down Roots Do you have a monthly revenue goal that’s pulling you to achieve more?
If not…you need an actual number written down. Do it now. Just wanting more revenue…more clients…won’t work. That will lead to overwhelm…poor customer experiences…a painful loop for you. A number written down changes that…as simple as it is. It pulls you forward to a new story. It forces you to work backward to see what it will take to achieve it. How many sales? What price points? What infrastructure do you need? How many employees to manage that? What pieces to outsource? How can you do it without working more hours? Many other questions will surface…and so will the answers. Are you sure you want that number that you wrote down? Now’s the time to decide…before you start creating. If so…work backward (or upside down) to see what it will take. The picture is getting a little clearer now. It’s possible. It’s pulling you already. In January…I took another step forward in building more discipline into my business life.
I also realized that I needed more discipline in all areas of my life. It just doesn’t work to be disciplined in your work and then eat ice cream at night as a reward. That’s a horrible feedback loop…so I made some changes. And continue to make changes. And so far…I’m down 45 pounds. I think it’s actually a matter of integrity for me. I want to be the same person in my business life…the same in my personal life…the same in my spirit…the same in my body. All moving forward on a quest for more wisdom. (Not ever arriving…just moving forward.) And, if you’re over 40…and care to peek behind the curtain…I’ll tell you the 2 secrets I’ve discovered for how to do it physically. Secret #1 – Eat More Fat And Drop The Carbs Of course, you love carbs…but they’re killing you. They are a powerful drug. But, after a few weeks of going minimal in the carb department…your heroin-like cravings will cease. Plus…5 or 10 minutes of exercise every other day is probably plenty. The book that finally made it all click for me was “Eat Bacon, Don’t Jog”. Just go to Amazon and buy it. And, you only need to read about half of it. The rest is about kettlebells (which I picked up once) and ape ancestry (which I don’t buy). Regardless…the first part is eye-opening. I’m thriving off of bacon, eggs, butter, meat, avocados, grilled onions, some green veggies, water, and coffee. Never once hungry. (It’s also Upside Down…Eat Fat To Lose Fat. Weird!) Secret #2 – Exercise With A Group Since I stopped playing soccer every day at 22, my weight has been on a slow and steady uphill climb. Not the kind of "up and to the right" you want. Especially once I hit 40…it became harder to control with short bursts of willpower and running. Then my wife tried yoga…and loved it. She dragged me kicking and screaming. Now I’m going 3 times a week to Oui Power Yoga (that’s “Yes” in French). If your knees are giving in to the abuse of running…yoga should be on your to-do list. But…even though I dig yoga…I think joining a group exercise program that you enjoy is the real key to victory. As an entrepreneur and business owner…here are some reasons why Group is the way to go:
So that’s what I’ve learned so far. Eat more fat to lose fat and workout with a group. Hope it helps you out. I just finished reading “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.
Originally published in 1937…I was amazed at how relevant this book is to achieving success today. And, while I don’t agree with everything he says…you will greatly benefit from 95% of it. Anyway…it reminded me of this client that didn’t believe in what I was doing. He was my first client and yet he didn’t believe in my methods or my advice. He was all about making money… He didn’t care what industry… He didn’t care what service… He didn’t care what his gifts were… He just wanted to make more money! And because of this attitude…this belief system…he struggled. Even though he became a client over 20 years ago…he still signs back up every couple of years. But, now I’m on to him…and I fired him for good! You may have guessed that this first client was ME. You have to be your first client. You have to believe what you’re selling first…before you can offer it to anyone else. More importantly, you have to believe that you are bringing more value to your clients than what you receive. If you’ve been struggling and approaching things from a purpose of “making money”, it’s time to flip your formula. Fire that 1st doubting client today! Then…starting working with the one that believes. One of the things the book recommends to improve your belief is a Mastermind group. That was great confirmation for me as I fired up my Inner Circle just before picking up the book. A group can help you see that non-believing client and make it easier to wipe them out. When you get super focused on a goal…strange things start to happen.
You are actually bringing something from IDEA to REALITY. Creating SOMETHING where there was NOTHING. And when you get into this flow…your subconscious mind is working hard to help you out. It’s much more powerful than we think and sometimes it does all the heavy lifting for you. Such was the case on Saturday morning. I woke up at 5:30 am on a Saturday. Argh! This is the day I can sleep in…at least till the first kid wakes me up. But on Saturday…there was no going back to sleep. My brain had solved something that I’ve failed at several times before. I solved the problem of a lower-end service…while my pricing for my high-end services continues to rise. It’s been a real dilemma…because as my time gets more limited and prices go up…more people that I know I can help…get left behind. Anyway…I solved it. At least for me…it solved all the problems that I had with the previous tries. And, in just a few days, I filled 2 of the 12 available spots…which is total confirmation that this thing is a better REALITY. (I have hope that it will fill up...but even if it doesn't...I know I'm going to be able to help these 2 take their next steps. That's a big success for me.) The point of this story is not to pitch you anything. There's no link. It's an invite only thing. The point is for you to get laser-focused on a goal. A goal that is worthy of accomplishing. A goal that GIVES more than it RECEIVES. When you do…don’t be surprised when you get a wake-up call in the dark. |
July 2018