If you’re running a little late this year on getting something for your spouse or significant other…good news!
It’s not too late. And, after you’re all set…you can grab this t-shirt for yourself. (with 7 kids…this one speaks to me) So, here’s the fix. Head over to MassageEnvy.com and grab them an annual subscription. If they don’t have one near you, see if your local spa has a subscription service. It costs less than you think and you’ll also get to check out the inner workings of an industry disrupter. They’ve used a subscription model to take something usually seen as a once a year luxury and told a different story. A story about the benefits of stress relief and regularly taking care of your body. It’s working because they are the largest chain of franchised massage spas in the United States. (can we say niche leader!) Yeah, you should definitely grab one for yourself too…for research! I did this for my wife and I and it’s a winning move. As a business owner, you carry the weight of everything on your shoulders. And your spouse carries it too because you’re in this together. For more business and life guidance, get in on my Inner Circle. Comments are closed.
July 2018