In January…I took another step forward in building more discipline into my business life.
I also realized that I needed more discipline in all areas of my life. It just doesn’t work to be disciplined in your work and then eat ice cream at night as a reward. That’s a horrible feedback loop…so I made some changes. And continue to make changes. And so far…I’m down 45 pounds. I think it’s actually a matter of integrity for me. I want to be the same person in my business life…the same in my personal life…the same in my spirit…the same in my body. All moving forward on a quest for more wisdom. (Not ever arriving…just moving forward.) And, if you’re over 40…and care to peek behind the curtain…I’ll tell you the 2 secrets I’ve discovered for how to do it physically. Secret #1 – Eat More Fat And Drop The Carbs Of course, you love carbs…but they’re killing you. They are a powerful drug. But, after a few weeks of going minimal in the carb department…your heroin-like cravings will cease. Plus…5 or 10 minutes of exercise every other day is probably plenty. The book that finally made it all click for me was “Eat Bacon, Don’t Jog”. Just go to Amazon and buy it. And, you only need to read about half of it. The rest is about kettlebells (which I picked up once) and ape ancestry (which I don’t buy). Regardless…the first part is eye-opening. I’m thriving off of bacon, eggs, butter, meat, avocados, grilled onions, some green veggies, water, and coffee. Never once hungry. (It’s also Upside Down…Eat Fat To Lose Fat. Weird!) Secret #2 – Exercise With A Group Since I stopped playing soccer every day at 22, my weight has been on a slow and steady uphill climb. Not the kind of "up and to the right" you want. Especially once I hit 40…it became harder to control with short bursts of willpower and running. Then my wife tried yoga…and loved it. She dragged me kicking and screaming. Now I’m going 3 times a week to Oui Power Yoga (that’s “Yes” in French). If your knees are giving in to the abuse of running…yoga should be on your to-do list. But…even though I dig yoga…I think joining a group exercise program that you enjoy is the real key to victory. As an entrepreneur and business owner…here are some reasons why Group is the way to go:
So that’s what I’ve learned so far. Eat more fat to lose fat and workout with a group. Hope it helps you out. On our quest for a better business…one that is more fulfilling and profitable, it pays a big dividend to do what you love.
And likely, we don’t love every aspect of our work week…but we should be doing more and more of the few things that energize us. Things we enjoy. I like coaching business owners…so I’m structuring my business this year around making even bigger impacts and going deeper with a smaller number of people one-on-one. (The finishing touches are happening as we speak…so look out for the announcement later this week.) My wife has always liked yoga and recently signed up for a 30 day trial at a local studio. She used to try to get me to do it with her. She’d either wake up early or pop in a DVD after the kids went to bed. I tried it a few times. It’s not very relaxing for me because concentrating on doing a move AND breathing at the same time are challenging. It’s the same problem I have with dancing. Anyway, she rediscovered her love for it by joining the studio. Oh yeah, and it’s Hot Yoga…which sounds wrong…but really just means they pump up the heat so you sweat 100% more. The first couple of days she was rediscovering some moves she’s done before. Downward dog…child’s pose…etc. After a few weeks…she’s doing more advanced moves…crane…pelican…lions roar (obviously I know nothing about yoga or the names of things…but it’s lots of animals, and I can’t get into these positions!) She’s remarkably better after 30 days! And, even more importantly, she leaves feeling great. (Yep...she should keep doing it!) The same thing happened to me last year when I started writing daily emails. The beginning was scary (what will people think), it took too long, and I generally felt like I sucked at it. However, I knew it was a core process that I wanted in my business, so I needed to dive in. The result was remarkably better material after 30 days and an ease of execution that I would not have believed beforehand. These are just a few examples, but the stunningly simple answer to being remarkablly better at anything is to… Get started and do it regularly. Daily if possible. Take a look at your core business processes, and decide which part would make the biggest impact if you did more of it. If that’s something in your wheelhouse, do it daily for 30 days and be ready for big improvements! |
July 2018